Sunday, November 15, 2015

A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.

Charles Dickens

From the 2013 film The Invisible Woman, starring Ralph Fiennes and Felicity Jones.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

" as the Ancients understood it..."

[...] And then she fell in love. She fell in love silently, obstinately – perhaps helplessly. It came slowly, but when it came it worked like a powerful spell; it was love as the Ancients understood it: an irresistible and fateful impulse – a possession! Yes, it was in her to become haunted and possessed by a face, by a presence, fatally, as though she had been a pagan worshipper of form under a joyous sky - and to be awakened at last from that mysterious forgetfulness of self, from that enchantment, from that transport, by a fear resembling the unaccountable terror of a brute...”

Joseph Conrad, “Amy Foster”

From the 1997 film, based on the story,  Swept from the sea, starring Rachel Weisz and Vincent Pérez.